Monthly Archives: June 2013

Passing Along a Tip from a Pro

Kristen Lamb has another great post on her blog. Check it out here. Definitely something to look out for as you work to improve yourself and get your work out there, no matter what it is. Thanks to Marilyn Tucker for posting Kristen’s article on the writer’s guild page on Facebook!

Categories: Blogging, Life, Writing | Tags: , , | Leave a comment


That’s what the title of the new Superman movie could have been. Because it was. Awesome.

I’m just throwing this together real fast because I had to, so no actor names and what-not, but I don’t care.

Fantastic performances from everyone involved. Great, great, father son dynamic with papa Kent. Wonderful mom and son thing with mama Kent. A pre-story leading to how he got here that was full of fantastic glimpses of Krypton society and which played for exactly the right length of time. The new Superman/Clark Kent is perfect. We get that same almost childlike feel to the guy, but in a more modern way. I can’t even explain it better than that, but he knocked it out of the park. Lois was great too. Her character is a bit tougher, been to war-torn areas and such. She’s a tough cookie, but in a natural way, not in a trying too hard way. And her relationship with Clark feel natural too. Whichever screenwriter gave her that line at the end, you’ll know it when you hear it, deserves like a 10K bonus for it. Excellent line.

Oh! The baddies were fantastic too. Zod was given a great and believable reason for everything he does, and his side-kick gal? She’s fantastic. Would like to see her in more stuff, she’s got a good presence.

I even took some mental writing notes on how they presented information. Some great ideas in here.

Go. See. This. Movie. You will not be disappointed.

Categories: Life, Movies, Writing | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

My Short Story, Moonflower, Completed

Thought I would give an update on where I am with my writing projects.

Draft cover for the short story Moonflower.

Draft cover for the short story Moonflower.

I’m pretty much done with the short story, which I’ve named Moonflower. I’m also very close to finishing the ebook cover for it. All that remains is to put the final touches on a mini-story which I’ve built from a section I had to remove from Moonflower. The section dealt primarily with another character, and was distracting from the main story of Moonflower. I like the section, however, and have decided to include it as bonus material. I want to present the mini-story to my writing group for comments and suggestions, and then I will submit the entire piece to Amazon as part of Kindle Singles. If it isn’t accepted, I will still publish it as a regular Kindle ebook.

Once the short story is published, I can start work on getting Dragonlinked ready for publishing as a Trade Paperback through Amazon’s subsidiary, CreateSpace. I’ve looked into it a little, and it doesn’t seem too complicated. I do, however, want to get with my test readers for any spelling errors that were not caught by spell-check. Words that are actual words, but not the words I intended. Like oder, for example. It is a real word, a town and river in Germany, I think, so OpenOffice spell-check did not flag it. But I meant to type older. That kind of thing.

After I get the trade paperback version going, I can return full-time to the sequel to Dragonlinked. I have started work on it, I just had to put it aside for a couple of months to work on these other things. But I will get back to it, never fear. Besides which, I can’t stop thinking about it. It wants to be written. Writers will understand what I mean.

P.S. Photo credits for images used in the cover design will appear in the ebook, once it and the cover are finalized.

Categories: Books, Lethera, Update, Writing | Tags: , , | 3 Comments

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