Monthly Archives: January 2024

January 2024 Update

Hello folks.

The past few months have been very hectic IRL, but I’ve been keeping at this series. I really like the characters and ideas in it and want to keep it going. In that vein, I’ve been thinking about the next book, letting things percolate and such. Got some high-level ideas on the main new character (not the “main character,” but of the new characters there might be, he will probably be the one (or one of the ones) that has the most focus, out of the new protagonist characters. I’ve also been ruminating on how the ‘big bad thing’ of the book will work in more specific detail. I know who’s going to be using the thing, I just want to work out more about how the thing will work in detail, making sure the way it does allows for interesting ties to various groups, people, and such.

I’ve also been contemplating on whether to / how to introduce more of the pantheon of gods and how best to work newly introduced ones into the plot. Nothing like a god tossing a big, divine monkey wrench into a plot or subplot to stir things up, after all. Veer, too. What new interesting/fun/scary veer can show up?

At any rate, it’s still early days, but I am chugging along, as it were.

A slightly early Happy Lunar New Year to you all, and until next time, happy reading!

Categories: Books, Fantasy, Handlers, Legendary Creatures, LGBTQ, Magic, Mid-Shifters, Subion, Telepathic Companions, Update, Writing | Tags: | Leave a comment

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