Monthly Archives: January 2021

Quick Writing Update for New Book

Hello all,

As I hoped, I finished the first draft of chapter 10 and am now on the second read-through, during which I’ve made it to chapter 5, so far. Edits have been mostly minor things, but I did find a small timeline error (someone knew about something before they learned about it a few paragraphs later) and a plot error (a character let some people go when it would have made more sense to hang onto them), both of which were easy enough to address in one way or another. I also changed a very minor side character that I want to remain unnamed (VERY minor character that won’t appear again, so not worth having a name) from female to male to make it easier in the narration (pronoun confusion with the female point of view character). Aside from those, things are going well, and I should finish this read-through and be able to continue the first draft starting with chapter 11 very soon.

Take care out there, and until next time, happy reading!

Categories: Fantasy, LGBT, LGBTQ, Update, Writing | Leave a comment

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