Monthly Archives: August 2020

Rough Draft Update

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are safe and healthy. I’m just popping in for a quick update. The rough draft of chapter 2 is done, and I am maybe a third of the way through chapter 3. Aside from the writing, a lot of time is still being spent on new locations being presented for the first time that need detailed layouts thought up, new people (and veer!) being introduced whose detailed personalities and physical features have to be fleshed out (and in some cases, names decided on), as well as new charms/turnings (spells) whose looks and ‘steps’ have to be thought up. It’s pretty fun, though, coming up with all this stuff. I also seem to be spending more time re-reading and tweaking each scene as I write it, which I didn’t do as much of before. It might be because of the way Scrivener stores things, making it so easy to look at different parts of a writing project: I can split-screen the editor, find a previous scene (or pull up specific parts of the world ‘bible’) to double-check stuff for continuity or emotion or whatever, and I can still keep typing away on the current scene which is still in the original split-editor. Finding specific scenes in a word-processing application (or alt-tabbing to a ‘bible’ document and then trying to find specific info) is only about a hundred times harder (Yes, I’m falling more and more in love with Scrivener for Windows v3. Can’t wait for all the little bugs to be ironed out of the beta). I worried about my increasing habit of re-reading and editing so many times as I write a scene, I even thought that maybe I should force myself not to do that, but then I realized that it’s really just time that I will save later on during read-throughs.

Anyway, I’m still chugging along, getting scenes and chapters written.

Until next time, happy reading!

Categories: Fantasy, LGBTQ, Magic, Telepathic Companions, Update, Writing | 1 Comment

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