Monthly Archives: December 2015

Update and Season’s Greetings

Part of the fun of writing these books has been to come up with new things for dragonlinked—either new spells, new abilities, or new uses for existing spells or abilities. I also like to touch on different aspects of life on Lethera, interesting tidbits to show readers. There are a few I’ve come up with that I think many will enjoy in book 4, which is progressing well, though a bit slower right now due to the number of events happening in real life and on the pages. Never fear, though, it is coming along. Also, as a bit of a gift (and maybe a taste of what’s to come?), let me end this update by saying this: One of the things I’ve been trying to avoid is having ‘fate,’ or unseen forces, or even non-protag characters be what saves the day in the books. I try to have the protags come up with ways to save themselves. So, if any unseen force were to directly interfere with events, were to save the day, some kind of price would have to be paid.

With another year coming to a close, I’d like to thank everyone for reading my books and going on these adventures with me. There are more to come. In the meantime, I hope your holidays are safe and filled with friends and family and joy. In other words, I hope they are gigantic and golden!

Categories: Dragonlinked, Lethera, Update, Writing | Tags: | Leave a comment

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