Monthly Archives: July 2021

July 2021 Update

Hello everyone,

I finished chapter sixteen, and am just about done with chapter seventeen. I decided to add a section to chapter sixteen, somewhat short, to flesh out a subplot line a bit. In the end, chapter sixteen, I think, just might be the biggest chapter so far in the book. While working on chapter seventeen, I spiced up a section with a bit more action and additional conflict than originally outlined, which is always nice. In both chapters during the writing, there was the typical coming up with side-character names, with specific veer, their names, abilities, and such, and I also spent more time thinking on character motivations, and then working those in, tying them to plot where possible.

Time was also spent–still!–on the roof saga, which has yet to come to a conclusion. Ah, home ownership, am I right?

One thing I will focus more on starting with the next read-through, is character voice, which is how a character speaks and thinks. What words they use (‘Yes,’ vs ‘Yeah,’ vs ‘Right,’ vs ‘Exactly,’ vs ‘Precisely,’ for example), what kind of metaphors and such they use (In my previous series, people from the desert region used metaphors/expressions related to water or sand or heat or dryness, for example), how they react to/think about actions/words said by others (based on their motivations/backgrounds), and things like that. I want to try to make each character sound/act at least a little differently than others. You don’t want readers to get characters confused, and having distinct voices is one way to help prevent that.

At any rate, thanks for taking time away from watching the Olympics to read this 🙂

Until next time, happy reading!

Categories: Fantasy, LGBT, LGBTQ, Telepathic Companions, Update, Writing | Tags: | Leave a comment

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