Monthly Archives: March 2016

Dragonlinked Chronicles Book 4 Draft Update

As I mentioned last time, the last chapters of a book take me longer to write. There’s a great deal happening in them, and there is much to coordinate and check as far as plot advancement/convergence, character development, continuity, and such. The current chapter I’m working on, for example, which was supposed to be the lead-in to an exciting chapter, has turned into two chapters. There is a subplot twist that I added earlier which needs to be paid off, in addition to the things that need to happen as well as getting certain people to certain places, all for that exciting chapter.

It’s a bit like what Robert Jordan reportedly said about his epic Wheel of Time series (and I’m paraphrasing here): I know what the final scene will be, I just need to get everyone there.

For me, I know what events will happen in the exciting chapter (and beyond), I just need to get everyone there. And while I am getting everything and everyone lined up, it’s taking a bit longer than expected. Of course, it didn’t help that my Windows 10 upgrade (from Win 7) crapped out on me a few weeks ago, forcing me to do a complete, clean reinstall of the operating system and all of my applications (Always back up your important stuff, and back it up often!). But even beyond all that, I don’t want to rush and put something slap-dash out there. I want better than that, and readers deserve better than that. So, I’m taking the time to make it as good as I can.

The short version: The draft of book 4 is coming along nicely and is almost done!

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