Monthly Archives: December 2021

December 2021 Update

Hello everyone.

The holidays took up some time last month and this, but I’ve been able to get work done, nonetheless. I finished chapter 22 and am over halfway done with 23. I spent a little time going over the sections in this and the next few chapters and ended up moving a few sections about, even combining two sections as that made more sense. Several plotlines come together in the next few chapters, so I’ve been thinking about best ways to weave them together. Also, in the last couple of chapters, things have definitely gotten . . . steamy between a few of the characters. The book is not for the under eighteen folks anymore, that’s for sure. The first scene just happened. It hadn’t been outlined to have anything erotic, but the characters just . . . made their way there in a quiet, slow, gentle way. It felt right. And the other scenes, too, just felt right. So, there’s sexy times in here folks.

That’s about it, though, for the update.

Until next time, best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!

Categories: Fantasy, LGBT, LGBTQ, Magic, Telepathic Companions, Update, Writing | Tags: | Leave a comment

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