Monthly Archives: May 2022

May 2022 Update

Hello everyone,

I finally finished chapter 26 and am working on the next chapter. Lots of real-life stuff went on these past two months, and 26 took a lot of thinking and effort, so it took more time than I liked to get it done, but I’m happy with it so far. Not that I won’t tweak it during re-reads if needed. Also, it’s around 44 pages long, so I might need to break it into two chapters. We’ll see. As I mentioned, I’m working on chapter 27 (or 28, if I split 26 in two), and that will be the last regular chapter of the book, I think, with the epilogue coming after. There’s still a bit going on, so I’m going to have to work hard to get things where I want them to sit by the end of this book.

At any rate, that’s where I am. Until next time, happy reading!

Categories: Books, Fantasy, LGBTQ, Life, Mid-Shifters, Telepathic Companions, Update, Writing | Tags: | Leave a comment

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